Public Holiday Api
The api provides a simple way to query the holidays of over 100 countries, also it is possible to query long weekends. For IoT devices there is an endpoint to check if today is a holiday. More information on how to use the project or integrate it into your software can be found on the GitHub project page.
- ✅ Access to 100 countries
- ✅ Always up to date information
- ✅ No rate limit
- ✅ CORS allowed
- ✅ Simple implementation
Request Example
Get the public holidays from the given year and country
GET /api/v3/PublicHolidays/{Year}/{CountryCode}
Parameter | Required | Example value |
Year | true | 2025 |
CountryCode | true | AT |
date | The date of the holiday |
localName | Local name |
name | English name |
countryCode | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 |
global | Is this public holiday in every county (federal state) |
counties | If it is not global you found here the Federal states (ISO-3166-2) |
launchYear | The launch year of the public holiday |
types |
The types of the public holiday, several possible
[ { "date": "2017-01-01", "localName": "Neujahr", "name": "New Year's Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": 1967, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-01-06", "localName": "Heilige Drei Könige", "name": "Epiphany", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-04-17", "localName": "Ostermontag", "name": "Easter Monday", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": false, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": 1642, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-05-01", "localName": "Staatsfeiertag", "name": "National Holiday", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": 1955, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-05-25", "localName": "Christi Himmelfahrt", "name": "Ascension Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": false, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-06-05", "localName": "Pfingstmontag", "name": "Whit Monday", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": false, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-06-15", "localName": "Fronleichnam", "name": "Corpus Christi", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": false, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-08-15", "localName": "Maria Himmelfahrt", "name": "Assumption Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-10-26", "localName": "Nationalfeiertag", "name": "National Holiday", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-11-01", "localName": "Allerheiligen", "name": "All Saints' Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-12-08", "localName": "Mariä Empfängnis", "name": "Immaculate Conception", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-12-25", "localName": "Weihnachten", "name": "Christmas Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] }, { "date": "2017-12-26", "localName": "Stefanitag", "name": "St. Stephen's Day", "countryCode": "AT", "fixed": true, "global": true, "counties": null, "launchYear": null, "types": [ "Public" ] } ]