Public Holiday Api

The api provides a simple way to query the holidays of over 100 countries, also it is possible to query long weekends. For IoT devices there is an endpoint to check if today is a holiday. More information on how to use the project or integrate it into your software can be found on the GitHub project page.


  • ✅ Access to 100 countries
  • ✅ Always up to date information
  • ✅ No rate limit
  • ✅ CORS allowed
  • ✅ Simple implementation

Request Example

Get the public holidays from the given year and country
GET /api/v3/PublicHolidays/{Year}/{CountryCode}
Parameter Required Example value
Year true 2025
CountryCode true AT


date The date of the holiday
localName Local name
name English name
countryCode ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
fixed Is this public holiday every year on the same date
global Is this public holiday in every county (federal state)
counties If it is not global you found here the Federal states (ISO-3166-2)
launchYear The launch year of the public holiday
types The types of the public holiday, several possible
  • Public
  • Bank (Bank holiday, banks and offices are closed)
  • School (School holiday, schools are closed)
  • Authorities (Authorities are closed)
  • Optional (Majority of people take a day off)
  • Observance (Optional festivity, no paid day off)
      "date": "2017-01-01",
      "localName": "Neujahr",
      "name": "New Year's Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": 1967,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-01-06",
      "localName": "Heilige Drei Könige",
      "name": "Epiphany",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-04-17",
      "localName": "Ostermontag",
      "name": "Easter Monday",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": false,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": 1642,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-05-01",
      "localName": "Staatsfeiertag",
      "name": "National Holiday",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": 1955,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-05-25",
      "localName": "Christi Himmelfahrt",
      "name": "Ascension Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": false,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-06-05",
      "localName": "Pfingstmontag",
      "name": "Whit Monday",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": false,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-06-15",
      "localName": "Fronleichnam",
      "name": "Corpus Christi",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": false,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-08-15",
      "localName": "Maria Himmelfahrt",
      "name": "Assumption Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-10-26",
      "localName": "Nationalfeiertag",
      "name": "National Holiday",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-11-01",
      "localName": "Allerheiligen",
      "name": "All Saints' Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-12-08",
      "localName": "Mariä Empfängnis",
      "name": "Immaculate Conception",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-12-25",
      "localName": "Weihnachten",
      "name": "Christmas Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [
      "date": "2017-12-26",
      "localName": "Stefanitag",
      "name": "St. Stephen's Day",
      "countryCode": "AT",
      "fixed": true,
      "global": true,
      "counties": null,
      "launchYear": null,
      "types": [